God is the divine artist and the universe is the continually evolving masterpiece of creation.
— Alex Grey and Allyson Grey
This issue includes a global collection of paintings from visionaries including:
Ernst Fuchs, Mati Klarwein, Amanda Sage, Hanalisa Omer, Anderson Debernardi, Robert Beer, Herman Smorenburg, Gil Bruvel, Lowry Burgess, De Es, Paul Laffoley, Allyson Grey and Alex Grey.
Articles are contributed by renowned evolutionary thinkers Deepak Chopra, Andrew Cohen, Jose Arguelles, Nassim Haramein, Matthew Fox, Flordemayo, Leyolah Antara, Graham Hancock and both brothers McKenna.
Explore visionary culture through the lens of cosmic creativity with this special edition of CoSM Journal.
299 pages of incredible art, articles and photography.