Theosis and the Icon

Join us at Art Church as we examine the spiritual practice of Theosis. There is a covenant between the sacred artist, the spiritual source and the viewer of the icon. Many religious traditions have a strong symbolic iconic connection to the Divine. How does a glimpse of the mystic state provided by visionary icons promote the spiritual life of the viewer? 

Secret Writing Being by Alex Grey & Allyson Grey, 2005

Secret Writing Being by Alex Grey & Allyson Grey, 2005

Visionary Art is a type of sacred art, inspired by the inner visual mystical experience of the artist through sacramental shamanic plants and psychedelics. Can the social function of Visionary Art be likened to the tradition of Theosis?

Song of Vajra Being by Alex Grey, 2005
Song of Vajra Being by Alex Grey, 2005

Art can transform the way we see ourselves and the world.

Sacred art has always depended on this possibility. 

Theosis means coming closer to God by contemplation of icons. 

New ways of seeing lead to new ways of being.

When your being is transformed,

The world occuring to you transforms.

A great work of art, once seen, is unforgettable.

We encounter an art object and contemplate it.

It remains as a trace in our memory.

Our encounter may have lasted a minute or an hour,

But the artwork is now alive in our minds doing it’s subtle business.

Art can rewire our brains, suggesting a new reality.

Contemplation of a Buddha or Christ icon

Implants the possibility of our own enlightenment.

Icons of a United World, a Sacred Planet,

Are essential now to implant the possibility of saving our collective lives,

Reverencing our Mother Nature Goddesself,

The One World Spirit of all plants and creatures. 

Person Planet by Alex Grey & Allyson Grey, 2000

Person Planet by Alex Grey & Allyson Grey, 2000

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CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a church and a 501(c)(3) organization, supported by charitable donations from the community.
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