The Light Body

Turn on the Light Body. 

Psychic Energy System, Spiritual Energy System, and Universal Mind Lattice, by Alex Grey

Psychic Energy System, Spiritual Energy System and Universal Mind Lattice by Alex Grey, 1980 - 1981

Discussion will include an art historical overview of figurative luminosity as a recurring motifs throughout world art.

Compassion by Romio Shrestha

Compassion by Romio Shrestha

Holy people are often painted with glowing halos and auras.

Ghent Altarpiece (detail showing the Virgin Mary)  by Jan van Eyck, 1429
Jan van Eyck / Public domain

Ghent Altarpiece (detail showing the Virgin Mary) by Jan van Eyck, 1429

Yogic chakras, acupuncture meridians and points, provide a multi-cultural cartography for lights of the soul.

Thangka with the Footprints of the Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje, 1340
Playing Futures: Applied Nomadology from The Netherlands / CC BY (

Thangka with the Footprints of the Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje, 1340

Come prepared to create. 

Beginning and End by Allyson Grey, 2000

Beginning and End by Allyson Grey, 2000

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CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a church and a 501(c)(3) organization, supported by charitable donations from the community.
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