How Art Evolves Consciousness

Creativity is the cosmic evolutionary force in our own hands. From a shaman’s rattle to a Warhol painting, artifacts created by the most inspired and expressive artists become recognized as significant symbolic archetypes. Objects that are most valued by an individual or culture are preserved and passed on from generation to generation.

Haida Rattle, 1921

Haida Rattle, 1921

An evolved state of consciousness is an enlightened, superconscious awareness of our connectedness with everything, followed by a peace-radiating, compassionate engagement to uplift the world by skillful means. Visionary mystical experiences are humanity's most direct contact with Spirit and are the creative source of all sacred art and wisdom traditions. The best currently existing technology for sharing the mystic imaginal realms is a well-crafted artistic rendering by a skillful and talented eye witness. This is why Visionary Art matters. A growing investment by artists and collectors in Visionary Art evolves the cultural body by venerating icons of interconnectedness.

Angel of History by Ernst Fuchs, 1992

Angel of History by Ernst Fuchs, 1992

To the beholder, art can attract higher aspiration. Icons of wisdom masters, such as Christ and Buddha, are models of our highest possibility. Portraits of Bodhisattvas, Angels, and Deities are Sacred Mirrors for our own enlightenment. 

Bodhisattva Padmapani in Ajanata caves, 477 CE
Abdulsayed / CC BY-SA (

Bodhisattva Padmapani in Ajanata caves, 477 CE

In this talk, Alex & Allyson will traverse the rainbow bridge of Psychedelic Culture from pre-historic cave art, through ancient temples and Mayan codices to contemporary festivals featuring the international visionary art movement.  

Tro-Cortesianus Codex, Before 16th century
Unknown Mayan scribe / Public domain

Tro-Cortesianus Codex, Before 16th century

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CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a church and a 501(c)(3) organization, supported by charitable donations from the community.
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