Examining Core Values

Core values can harness our passions to their highest possibilities. Core values are the soul’s values, the rules by which our soul expands, evolves or feels constricted. In this session, we will review the process by which CoSM arrived at our organization’s core values, and see how this system can be used to clarify an individual’s true heart.

CoSM Symbol by Allyson Grey, 2011

CoSM Symbol by Allyson Grey, 2011

Each persons creative will is an operating system that can be continually upgraded by clarifying that one’s personal core values are empowering one’s highest visions for their lives as a service to the collective.  Artists use allegory to point to virtues and higher aspirations as well as to warn the viewer of the characteristics of evil and vice. In this workshop, Alex and Allyson will examine the ideas of compassion, justice, liberty, truth, goodness and charity and call out the archetypal representations of these titanic forces portrayed by Visionary Artists for millennia.

Creative Liberty by Alex Grey & Allyson Grey, 2016

Creative Liberty by Alex Grey & Allyson Grey, 2016

Bring a journal and writing materials for exercises that ask us to examine our own core values and create a space of profound self-reflection. How can an individual make a real difference in the world? What is acceptable and unacceptable in the various areas of your life? About what can you be counted on and are those commitments your core values by choice? Join us to explore how reframing our reality through creative expression and perception, through sacrament and prayer, we can arrive at our moral center.

Infinity Angel by Alex Grey, 2012

Infinity Angel by Alex Grey, 2012

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CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a church and a 501(c)(3) organization, supported by charitable donations from the community.
Built with ❤ in Wappinger, New York