Divine Feminine & Sacred Masculine

The Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine are archetypes of holy possibility for the sexes attaining their greatest potential. To realize planetary transformation and justice for all, gender balance is fundamental. Art Church in August will offer an examination of the archetypes and stereotypes that define the evolution of human sexuality.

Countless prehistoric Goddess relics portray the beauty and power we see shining through Superstar Divas prevalent in world media and pop culture. The Princess, the Virgin, the Siren, the Mother, the Witch, the Wise Woman recur in both mythology and history. The Greek Goddess of Love, Aphrodite represented fecundity, beauty and sensuality. Kali, from the Hindu pantheon, is the mother of Time and the Material World, yet also represents the Destroyer of that World.

Statuette of Aphrodite Leaning on a Pillar, 250 BC
J. Paul Getty Museum [No restrictions or Copyrighted free use]

Statuette of Aphrodite Leaning on a Pillar, 250 BC

The Sacred Man has been embodied in the character tales of Jesus Christ, Shakyamuni Buddha, Moses, Muhammad and other figures of spiritual wisdom who have offered an iconic vision of masculinity and divinity. Archetypes of the Shadow and the Light are powerfully evident in the Egyptian neteru including the Solar Deity, Horus at war with Set, the Dark Lord of the Desert & Chaos.

_David_ by Michelangelo, 1504
Rico Heil (User:Silmaril) / CC BY-SA (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)

David by Michelangelo, 1504

Become the healing you want to see in the world, first in your own life. Examining a sacred mirror of love and self-forgiveness, helps clarify perception of others. Contemplating and modeling the “better person” we could be, and the “better relationship” we could have sets in motion a future chain of possibilities for our betterment. By imagining integral equality together, we progress toward a new sacred partnership.

Oceans of Love Bliss by Alex Grey, 2009

Oceans of Love Bliss by Alex Grey, 2009

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CoSM, Chapel of Sacred Mirrors is a church and a 501(c)(3) organization, supported by charitable donations from the community.
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