Cosmic Christ

The Christ principle of connectedness and divine enlightenment includes three levels of incarnation:

Christ as the physical incarnation, the story of Jesus of Nazereth Christ Consciousness, a principle of God Realization The Cosmic Christ, a vision of the body of Lord Jesus as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Christ by Alex Grey, 1982

Christ by Alex Grey, 1982

Each generation re-imagines the archetype of Christ. Lifting sin unburdens the soul. Christ is the remedy for sin, the healing scapegoat that soaks up karmic damage. Christ can transform your existence with his touch, the blessing power of a spiritual master, the embodied presence of Holiness. 

The good Shepherd mosaic in mausoleum of Galla Placidia, 5th century A.D.

The good Shepherd mosaic in mausoleum of Galla Placidia, 5th century A.D.

Petar Milošević / CC BY-SA (

In identifying with the Cosmic Christ, it is possible to unburden ourselves from negative self-images and forgive all others and ourselves for any actions that might have offended God, our own highest aspirations. Alex will describe his painting “Cosmic Christ,” and the “garment of destiny” comprising so many stories of humanity.

Cosmic Christ by Alex Grey, 2000

Cosmic Christ by Alex Grey, 2000

The celebration of Passover, which falls on the Full Moon in April, celebrates Liberation. The end of hibernation, spring is sprouting crocuses, baby daffodils and a proliferation of floral ground cover throughout the woods. The Transfiguration of Christ celebrates liberation this time of year as well. Did you know that The Last Supper of Christ and the Apostles was a Seder, the ritual meal at the center of Passover. Join us at Art Church to explore our own personal freedom from bondage and hear the story of Passover.

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, 1498
Paris Orlando / Public domain

The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, 1498

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